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Image by Devin Avery


Life and Job skills Training for special needs youths.
Create a path to be independence and success.



Supplement and extend school education according to the individual characteristics of adolescents with special needs.


Provide training for independent living skills that special needs youths lack.




Use simulated real scenarios to train young people with special needs to prepare for employment. These include interviewing, workplace interactions, troubleshooting, and problem-solving skills at different levels.

Volunteers Packing Food


We are a group of parents, siblings and friends of children (children/adults) with special needs. We launched this non-profit called "Bridges To Future" in beginning of  2021. Because we see young adults with special needs (autism and other developmental disabilities or neurodiversity), face great challenges in their daily lives. Except for a very small minority who are able to live and work independently, the vast majority of young people work time is very limited or no work. They are therefore unable to be self-sufficient and lead a fully independent life. Most of them have to rely on their parents and family members to maintain their daily life in the "adult stage", and rely on the auxiliary employment and social welfare of relevant institutions to live. This is the "ultimate" worry that causes the most anxiety for all parents, because we know that we cannot be with our children all the time. Therefore, we hope to build a bridge so our "adult" children can better integrate into the society, support themselves better, give full play to their strengths, and have a quality life just as same as other people.

Sunset Soccer


Sunset Soccer

In recent years, we have found that most vocational training institutions only train young people with special needs in simple work skills and engage in simple physical work. In fact, many of our young people with special needs have excellent computer skills and other special talents that are never valued, recognized or developed with training. Therefore, our "Bridge To Future" hopes to use the resources of parents and society to cultivate, discover and demonstrate the special skills of our children with special needs. Doing this, will open up more opportunities for their future employment possibilities. At the same time, our "Bridge To Future" also hopes to provide a safe and stable social circle and regular daily activities for older children/young and adults with special needs. They can learn and explore the projects that they are interested in.  Projects that they have no chance learning in school.  They can learn their own mother tongue’s culture and language, learn and train various skills and knowledge for their independent living. They can job hunting, interviewing and relationship skills in the workplace, etc. As parents, we have first-hand experience of the needs of special needs children/adults, knowing our children's strengths and weaknesses, knowing what kind of support works, knowing what skills they don't have the opportunity to learn in school and elsewhere. Skills are very important to them for a lifetime.


We will carry out activities in the following aspects but not limited to:

  1. Self-care skills training, food preparation, use of various household appliances, housekeeping, online and physical shopping, financial management, etc.

  2. Work skills training and occupational survival skills: In simulated real situations, train children with special needs to apply for jobs, interview, join the job, abide by rules, get along with colleagues, get along with leaders, deal with problems, etc.

  3. Entertainment and sports skills training, such as: musical instruments, ethnic musical instruments, singing, dance, drama, martial arts, swimming, golf, table tennis, chess, Go, including Special Olympics sports training.  As well as mother-tongue language learning etc.

  4. Medical treatment and emergency handling skills training (simulating real scenarios): how to seek medical treatment, answering doctor's questions. What to do in earthquakes, fires, gunshots, power outages, etc. How to use 911, how to talk to the police. Learn how to care for small wounds, simple CPR. When you see something abnormal about your parents, how will you react and so on.

  5. Training and learning of healthy life knowledge and practice, self-defense knowledge and skills.

  6. Continuation of special skills and extended school learning. Especially in the high-tech field.

  7. Live in the community and integrate skills, communicate with other people in the community, do volunteer work, perform, travel, etc., and learn appropriate social rules and skills in combination with reality.

  8. Establish and maintain some long-term, stable and safe social circles and networks (online and offline).


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